My friend Nikunj brought some books for me yesterday,as always he cares about me for all aspects.Truly amazing friend.
Today I just got time to look in to books,And found one good small books about motivation.
Books is really small one so any one can finish in one session.I would like to mention few points which I like most .
1) Keep Giving Feedback.
The Failure to give appropriate and timely feedback is the most extreme cruelty that we can inflict on any human being.
Human being crave feedback so, if you are trying to be a good leader learn to give timely feedback.
2) Manage Agreements,Not people.
If you manage to make an agreement and get work accordingly , you will never require to manage people.Just make a strong bond through which your subordinate inspire to full fill all agreements.
Those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the performance of it.
3) Play both good cops and bad cops
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more,do more and become more , you are a leader- John Quincy Adams
4) Motivate by Doing
People can be divided into two classes, those who go ahead and do something , and those who sit still and inquire, why wasn't it done other way? -oliver Wendell Holmes.
Figure out what you want to achieve and start achieving , your staff will follow for the same.
5) Use Positive Reinforcement
The first Duty of a leader is optimism.
How does your subordinate feels after meeting with you?Does they feel uplifted?
6) Use 10 Minutes well
Man must not allow the clock and the calender to blind him to the fact that each moment of his life is a miracle and a mystery.
Use following in your routine
I am proud of you
What is your opinion?
If you please....
Thanks you..
7) To Motivate your people ,first just Relax
A Frightened captain makes a frightened crew-lister sinclair
8) Use the power of deadlines..
The best way to predict the future is to create it-Peter Drucker
Just Do it.
9) Let your mind rule your heart.
If you don't think about the future , you won't have one.
10) Make it happen today
There is no tomorrow.
11) Stop pushing
Pull the string and it will follow wherever you wish ,push it an dit will go nowhere at all-Dwight D. Eisnehower
12) Create a Vision
The reason most goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first.
-Robert J.Mckain
Hope you will have some good ideas about how to motivate your staff? from this post.