That means deferment of actions or tasks to a later time which increase your anxiety,This is by all means Procrastination. It is now common in IT industry as of being over loaded by tons of work to do.
They do not have any priority table or do not understand work break up structure perfectly. Usually they are not able to interpret meaning of Urgent Task and Important tasks.
Procrastination is had major drawback on psychological manner too…it used to indulge feeling of guild, self-disgust & depression.So, it requires to be cured promptly as it is identified.
hi ketan,
pepole have sometime more stress so they cant pay attention to their work
u written a good thing.
hi may i know your name dear?
yes, but if you dont do your work then you stress will increase isn't it?..
i want to work more and more but some kind of nagativity around me so please help me about that thanks
can you tell me why more stress is created?
Initially there is nothing, then stress is building right?
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